March 27, 2015

CTCC Launch Event

In November 2015, the CTCC celebrated its official launch with a networking meeting, with some of the most prominent businessmen and women in Turkish industry here in the UK. Dr Muhammet Yaşarata made an excellent, informative speech, which you can watch via the video on the left. His speech highlighted the need for the CTCC and what it aims to accomplish amongst the Turkish community, including uniting the community to generate more business and provide networking opportunities for all.
September 22, 2014
health and safety

Why Turkish Business Should Play Safe

“Many small businesses seem to be unaware that they are breaking the law by not complying with adequate health and safety in their workplace.” Small businesses – whether Turkish or not – have many things to contend with to stay competitive, in profit and in business. But many small businesses seem to be unaware that they are breaking the law by not complying with adequate health and safety in their workplace.